I Closed a Cock Fighting Business
A very wealthy man was a very generous man who loved to cultivate merits. He had been a fund-raiser for a temple for 10 years and had built so many buildings for Buddhism. However, his life changed when he turned 60 years old when suddenly he wanted to start a cock fighting business, which he ran for 20 years. Until he was 86, he had intestinal cancer and passed away. What caused him to run this business? Where did he go after he passed away? DMC has the answers.
Paying Respect To Those Worthy of Respect.
The mast difficult work in the world is to cultivate right view. Therefore, whoever cultivates this right view, to us is deserved of the highest respect from us throughout our entire lives.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our parents (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eleven :- Cherishing our parents
If my father had passed away, we would have been better than this
Questions from an audience who was sad from her father's deeds so that she often wanted her father die. How can she do to solve this bad retribution?
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#5
Parents have to teach children who the bhikkhus are: The word “Phra Sangha” is combined by 2 words: “Phra” means great and “Sangha” (pronounced Song) means group
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#3
To protect children from bad situations occurring in the family, you must train the children to be good
A Meditation Guide
Start by sitting in a relaxed half-lotus position by placing your right leg on your left leg, your right hand on your left hand
He Loved Performing Merits But He Also Liked Cock and Fish Fighting, Where Did He Go After Death?
The head man of the village and an ancient herbal doctor, who cured patients with herbs. He was so nice; he loved cultivating merits, went to the temple, rescued poor people, and was sincere and enterprising. He was like a hero in every matter. Contrarily, his bad habit was that he loved gambling such as boat racing and cock and fish fighting. What was the image that appeared in his mind just before he passed away? Where is he after death?
Open your Heart to the Journey
Spouses should cherish each other. The longer they live together, the more they should care for one another.